Well it's been a longggg time since I've updated my blog. Alot has happened since Christmas so we just want to catch everybody up. The best thing that happened was the birth of our little boy. Eli Foch Mills was born On March 12th, 2010. He must have been anxious to join our little circus as he was 10 days early. Eli was just a wee thing weighing 5 lbs. 15.5 oz. and was 18 inches long. The Dr. was actually expecting him to be about 7 1/2 lbs, he was very surprised to see him so small. I wasn't complaining any, it was an easy delivery with him being so tiny. The umbilical cord actually had a knot in it and they may have attributed to him being smaller. Fortunately for us the cord was in good health so it wasn't able to tighten down. When that happens you can have a still birth. We are grateful and blessed to have him here with us. He is such a good baby, rarely crying, and only waking up twice at night. Some nights he has only woken up once. I couldn't ask for a better baby.
Analeise's birthday was on the 11th of March and she was turning 12. So we had planned a party for her on Fri. the 12th and she was having about 10 girls come to the house. Well when I went into labor that morning we debated back and forth wether to cancel the party or go ahead with it. Fortunately my parents were here and they were willing to take on the party. The girls had fun and didn't get a whole lot of sleep. Eli wasn't born till 9:49 p.m so they stayed up late waiting for news and pictures via the cell phone.
Here are some pictures of the kids and Eli, hope you enjoy them.

Dallin and Eli, the night we got home.

The Circus

Kyla and Eli, Kyla always lets me know when Eli is hungry and needs a diaper change. She has even changed him a few times.

Sissy Analeise and Eli. Tessa calls her Sissy.

Getting Eli dressed for the trip home.

This pic makes him look really chubby, which he is not.

This is the know that was in the umbilical cord. Gross, but I had to put the picture on.

Happy Mamma, after it was over.

Proud Papa

The next best thing that has happened since Christmas was the finishing of the basement. HOORAY!!! We got the basement completed about 2 weeks before Eli was born. It is so nice to have the extra room and it's been amazing that I've been able the keep the house cleaner. It doesn't hurt that the 4 big kids have moved downstairs. Here are some pics of the basement.

Kyla, Zane, Allie and Kassidee setting up Kyla's room.

My favorite room....The Laundry Room. Thanks to Rick for helping Chad move down my washer and dryer.

Living Room. Chad has to have the blue wall and I actually like it.

Tessa standing in the hallway.

Analeise's green and blue room.

Kyla's pink and brown room. We definately have an assortment of colors in our house.

Tessa helping mop the cement floor so the carpet could be laid.

Me and Tessa

Dallin and Zane's Boise State Football room. This was Chad's creation, but we still have a little work left to do on it.

Even though Chad is scared of heights he painted above the stairs for me.

Real men paint pink!!

Chad's mom, Kaylene, helping to paint her favorite color in the laundry room. Did I mention this is my favorite room. I have a big table on the far end where I can fold clothes.

Zane painting primer.



Dallin rolling on the primer
