Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Okay so the other night as I was standing in the living room watching our baby chicks, yes we have chicks in the house, I saw out of the corner of my eye something run into our bedroom. I go into the kitchen where Chad is and tell him, "something just ran into our bedroom, go find it." He says, " what did it look like?" I tell him, "I don't know I just saw something out of the corner of my eye." He asks me, "was it big or small, was it a cat?" Once again I reply,"I don't know it was just something." So I finally convince him to go check it out and we commence in trying to find a flashlight. Seems the kids have packed them off again. We finally find one but the batteries are dead and we find new ones and put them into the flashlight. Then Chad cautiously enters our bedroom and I do not follow. I stand in the living room with my camera waiting to catch a picture of whatever creature has entered our room. Chad searches everywhere, under the bed and dressers. In the closets and in the bathroom. He cant' find anything and thinks I'm seeing things. So he decides he's going to take a shower so we can go to bed. It is about 10:30pm. He gets the water all going and then comes into the bedroom. I say,"what are you doing?" he replies, "I just saw it." Ahhh Haaa, I wasn't seeing things afterall. Chad puts on his tennis shoes and reenters the bathroom. As for me I stay on the bed which I got to from the living room by cautiously tiptoeing and then jumping onto the bed. Chad is in the bathroom quite awhile looking for this thing. He comes back out without any success and goes outside to the porch and gets one of the cats. He says, "if it's a mouse he will find it." This thing is pretty good size according to what Chad saw. So into the bathroom enters Chad and the cat. They close the door and continue the search. He unloads all the dirty clothes, the garbage can and looks in all the cupboards with no luck. This creature is nowhere to be found. Chad keeps wanting me to come in to help him but I told him no way. After about 45 minutes of his sleuthing he gave it up, obviously the thing is gone, nowhere to be seen. Now I'll think of that creature everynight as I walk to my bedroom to go to bed. Hopefully it's found a new abode, outside. Here are some pics from Chad's hunt, sorry they're not good, I wasn't about to get any closer.

searching the closet

looking under the bed

scratching his nose in bewilderment

1 comment:

Shane and Sandy said...

so?! Did the cat get to spend the night in the house? Did you ever find anything?!? Oh Man! I can totally see you running and jumping on the bed...LOL